5 cleaning Hacks For People Who Hate Cleaning

  1. Set A Timer For Cleaning:

Setting a timer for 10 or 15 minute increments for your cleaning allows you to clean and tidy in short bursts, more often, rather than having to devote hours to something that you dread- potentially cutting into your R&R time, like the weekend! This is a great way to keep your house clean and tidy while still saving you plenty of time - when you need it the most!


2. How To Use Baskets The Right Way:

Believe it or not, there is a right way to use baskets when organizing. I utilize each basket to organize everything from small to large items - paying attention to specific basket sizes and the types of products that going into them- because why would you want to put your bobby pins in the same basket that holds your bathroom cleaning supplies? 


3. A Place For Everything:

Even if you hate doing it, cleaning is an important part of keeping a tidy home! In order to remind yourself to quickly give the kitchen a vacuum after cooking?- put the vacuum in a place where you can see it and devote 5 minutes each day to cleaning while the food is cooking!

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4. Don’t Be Complicated With Cleaning Supplies

Do you own 6 different cleaning products to clean your kitchen or bathroom? Well, don’t. I use this cleaning formula for countertops, windows, mirrors and tiles- simplifying the cleaning processes, saving you space and money!

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  • 80% water

  • 20% Refillable Mrs Meyer's Soap

5. the Closet Challenge:

Hang your clothes in random order. Each day you pick up a piece of clothing and see if you can create an outfit featuring it. If you can’t- that item has got to go! This challenge focuses on understanding what clothes we are truly drawn to and will use, and which clothes are simply in our closet because we think they might be a good idea one day. 

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Watch the full video here!

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