DIY Faux Amber Glass

What is Amber Glass?

When sulphur, iron and carbon gets mixed into a molten glass, it creates a darkened glass that you can commonly see in bottles protecting products from the light, but in recent years, amber glass has become quite trendy, but when searching for it at home goods stores, it often times is found to be extremely expensive.

One day while scrolling through TikTok, I came across a video of a woman creating homemade ‘amber glass’ for her wedding centrepieces (linked here) and immediately I needed to know if it worked so I took to the DIY table and got to work!

What You Will Need

  • Glass containers (find these for very inexpensive and reused at the thrift store!)

  • Mod Podge

  • Food colouring (I used green and brown to resemble real amber but you can choose any colour that fits your space!)

  • Popsicle sticks

  • Newspaper for paint run off

  • An oven

Let’s get to work


First things first, thoroughly clean your glassware until it’s squeaky clean, get all that thrift store sticker residue off of there.

I let them all soak in hot water for a while to be sure there was no funny bumps or dirt particles stuck anywhere!


Next, mix your glue and food colouring together until they turn into your preferred colour (keep in mind they bake darker then in ‘paint’ form). After, I poured the mixture into each glass.


Ensure that the complete interior of the glass is coated in the mixture. Pour out any extra paint back into your cup to reuse it for your next piece. Place upside down on two sets of popsicle sticks to allow any excess paint to spill out and dry up before baking. Next, pop them in the oven right side up on a low heat for 30 minutes to an hour. Keep an eye on them to ensure they are baking well.



Watch the Full Video here

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